"Farm Life Stories from Iceland" were written as emails for some friends. Now the story continues here. If you know me in real please dont let that show in your comments.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Hommia huomiselle

1.   Testilypsy aamulla

2.   3 hiehoa opettaa kioskille

3.    juottoämpäreiden perusteellinen pesu ja rikkipurtujen tuttien vaihto

Tänään lähti Taiwanilainen helpperimme. Ajoin hänet bussille. Oli kirjoittanut meille jokaiselle erikseen pienen kirjeen kiitokseksi. Mun kirjeeseen oli laittanut että on iloinen että sai olla mun kanssa töissä ja että  todella rakastan eläimiä koska olen aina onnellinen töitä tehdessäni. Ja kiitti kun vein kattelemaan paikkoja.
   Vähän yllätti lukea semmoinen lausunto. Näytänkö aina onnelliselta töitä tehdessä? No, en varmasti, kun olen hyvinkin usein hyvinkin suutuksissani kun ei joku juttu onnistu tai toimi tai löydy ja kun tulee sontaa ja tulee sorkasta. Mutta on se totta. Olen minä onnellinen. Kaikesta suututuksesta huolimatta. Olen siellä missä haluan ollakin ja teen sitä mitä haluan tehdäkin. Rakastan tätä paikkaa ja näitä eläimiä ja ihmisiä. Vaikka olen hirveän ärsyyntynyt niihin välillä.  Ja nekin näyttäisi tykkäävän minusta. Silti.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Jee, se paranee!/ Yay, its healing!

Ei tarvitse enää ottaa särkylääkettä.

Aloin rakentaa kerintätelinettä netistä löytyneiden kuvien avulla.

Aloitin selkäjumpan ja se kuulukoon tästä lähtien päiväohjelmaan. Jumppaohjeet antoi HelpX Bes.

No longer painkillers needed.

Started to make shearing stand with help from photos found from internet.

Started back exercises and that shal belong to daily program from now on. Got the exercises from HelpX Bes.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Selkä pahana/ bad back

Tämä kipu vie hetkittäin järjen ja jalat alta.

Seuraavaa kipuiskua pelkää. Tuonne jonnekin ristiselkään se iskee ja iskee.
Pelottaa myös että sieltä on oikeasti jotain särkynyt ja täytyy mennä lääkäriin ja ties mitä.

Istua ei uskalla. Syön kävellen lautasen kanssa ympäri taloa.
Lattialla makaaminen on parasta. Sieltä nouseminen hirvittävää.
Nousta sieltä täytyy kun täytyy käydä vessassa ja siellä käyminenkin on vaikea juttu ja navettaan täytyy mennä.

Pukeminen on hidasta ja vaikeaa. Kaikki on hidasta ja vaikeaa.

Bergur ja Fjóla olivat suunnitelleet menevänsä Reykjavikiin päiväksi. Sanoivat peruvansa suunnitelman jos minä tunnen olevani liian kipeä. Sanoin että pitäisivät vaan suunnitelmansa. Vaikka minusta ei nyt ole juuri minkään tekijäksi, minä voin neuvoa apulaisia ja huolehtia että tarpeellinen tulee tehtyä.
Ja niin ne menivät ja niin minä olen työnjohtajana. Kävelen hissukseen ympäriinsä heinätalikon kanssa. Siitä puuttuu yksi piikki ja sillä on huono talikoida enkä minä talikoimaan pystykään mutta otan siitä tukea. Apulaisia on kaksi. Sunna, talon tytär, jota on vaikea neuvoa koska hän ei pidä neuvoista. Hän siis mättää mielin määrin heinää elikoille eteen ja tekee meille ruokaa ja se on iso apu. Toinen on Bes, joka on HelpX apulainen ja joka pitää neuvoista, koska ei tiedä mitä tehdä.

Yritän kavuta traktoriin työntääkseni lehmille heinää. En pääse edes alimmalle askelmalle. Päädyn lattialle vaikeroimaan. Bes ei ole koskaan traktoria ajanut mutta kiipeää pukille ja alkaa polkea kytkintä, kaasua ja jarrua ja työntää kahta vaihdekeppiä eteen ja taakse sekä vääntää rattia minun neuvoessa ovelta. Vaikuttaa olevan iloinen siitä että pääsi ajamaan traktoria.

Yritän juottaa yhden vasikan ja ojennan sille pulloa kun kipuisku heittää taas lattialle vaikeroimaan. Sielläpä olen heinäkasan ja ruokintaesteen välissä. Pullo on kaatunut enkä yllä siihen ja horjuvajalkainen vasikka horjuu heinäkasassa ja on horjua päälleni. Naurattaakin mutta nauraminenkin sattuu. Bes tulee ja ohjailee vasikan muualle horjumaan ja minä hivuttaudun jaloilleni.

Bes on siivoamassa vasikkakarsinoita ja minä olen onnistunut kampeamaan itseni lypsyaseman kautta lehmien parsiaitaukseen. Se oli iso auts enkä aijo yrittää samaa reittiä takaisin. Hissukseen kävellen ja varovaisin liikkein olen saanut siivottua parret. Sitten en pääse parsiaitauksesta pois. Ei auta kuin odottaa että Bes kävelisi ohi. En sentään aijo soittaa ja pyytää tulemaan kesken työnsä. Pienen portin saisin auki, mutta siellä on tehtynä viritys ruokintapöydän päätyyn yhdelle kipeälle lehmälle ja siitä virityksestä en pääsisi ali enkä yli enkä ohi. Isoa porttia en voi avata kun sitä en saisi kuitenkaan kiinni, se kun putoaa avatessa jonkin verran ja sulkiessa sitä pitää nostaa. Normaalisti sukeltaisin sujuvasti rautatankojen välistä läpi. Nyt en. No, Bes tulee aikanaan ja päästää minut portista.

Kokemus sinänsä tämäkin. Olla avuton ja tarvita apua. Selittää toisille vierestä asioita joita yleinsä itse tekee kummemmin ajattelematta. Kaikkea ei ole helppo selittää. Näyttäminen olisi helpompaa vaan kun nyt ei pysty. Ja kuitenkin näin kyvyttömänä tuntea itsensä tarpeelliseksi. Juuri nyt on aivan välttämätöntä että olen lypsymontussa vaikka en pysty siellä muuhun kuin köpöttelemään vaikeasti edestakaisin. Sunna ja Bes pesevät utareita ja kiinnittävät lypsimiä. Fjólan lisäksi minä olen tällä hetkellä ainoa joka nämä lehmät ja laitteet tuntee. Ketkä lehmät kuuluu lypsää ja ketä ei ja ketkä lypsetään eroon ja mitä nappuloita painellaan ja mitä vipuja käännellään.

Iltaa kohti tuntuu että pystyn vähemmän ja vähemmän. Fjóla ja Bergur tulevat kotiin ja Bergur tulee kaupunkivaatteissaan kurkkaamaan navettaan.
Nähdessään minut talikkoineni tasapainoilemassa käy vaihtamassa haalarit ja sanoo tekevänsä hommat loppuun Besin kanssa. Minä tasapainoilen jäisen pihan poikki taloon ja köllähdän olohuoneen lattialle. 

Ihanat ihmiset. Päät ovella kysymässä miten voin ja tarvitsenko jotain ja sanomassa että pitää soittaa jos tarvitsen. Kädet hieromassa selkään linimenttiä. Niille on kauheaa nähdä minut tällaisena. Kipua on kipeä katsoa.
Kukaan ei kysele milloin arvelen pystyväni töihin. Saan olla kipeänä. Saan olla.
Ne ovat saaneet minut syömään särkylääkettä enemmän kuin olen tähän mennessä syönyt yhteensä ikinä.
     Siitä ne vitsailevat että aijonko taas ensivuonna keriä lampaat. Siihenhän ei kukaan minua patistellut, olisivat tilanneet oikean keritsijän. Itse hinkusin. Ja antoivat minun sitten.
    Onko nyt sitten niin että minusta ei ole keritsijäksi? Oikea keritsijä ei sido lammasta vaan pyörittelee sitä kankulta kankulle ja kerii. Minun voimat ja taito ei riitä pitelemään sekä kerimään. Se on nyt kokeiltu 82 kertaa. Lammas karkaa liian usein ja villat lentelee pitkin vajaa ja selkä sökönä.
Mutta olisiko jokin keino jolla saada lammas aloilleen helposti ja mukavasti sekä lampaalle että selälle? Että voisin taas keriä ensi vuonna!

And in English, coming here...

This pain gets me out of my senses and of my legs at times.

I fear for the next pain hit. It hits again and again somewhere there on lower back. Also Its scary to think there could be something really gone wrong there and having to go to doctors and so on.

I dont dare to sit. So I eat walking around the house with my plate.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Wool in bags

Shearing done and so is my back. Cant but let others lift and carry everything and thats not easy.
Do I have to give up with shearing? 

Monday 11 March 2013

Hit By Shit

Day off and plans to drive to little village called Bifröst and walk around there and see old volcano crater and lava fields and waterfalls and find a geo box and then after walk to drive to Borgarnes and go to the fine swimming pool there.
First part went to the plan. Had good walk and saw interesting things but I could not stop thinking a sick calf at home. So decided to leave the box hunt for some other time as well as Borgarnes and swimming pool. I went to the shop in the village instead and bought a few liters of AB sour milk and headed back home. The sour milk was for the calf and for its bad stomach. I could not let the calf wait any longer while I would be playing and swimming. We had tried giving sour milk the day before and the calf had not been worse after having it if not better either. But normal milk she can not have. That sprays out of her other end without delay. I had left Bergur orders to try to keep two different kind of good hay in her reach and feed pellets and offer warm water often and most importantly not to give milk. Reason for this fuss is that I just lost a calf with similar symptoms and dont want to loose another one . If this one goes anyway I need to know I have done what I can.
      When home stopped Micra by the barn and went to put half liter of sour milk in to bottle and the bottle in hot water to warm it up. Bergur was working on slurry watching the slurry wagon vacuuming from slurry gap. I went to say hello and asked how was the calf. He told that he had just given her water.
I went in to change in to overalls and Fjóla was disappointed I had not looked for the geo box nor gone to swimming as she so likes my adventures. "How nice!", she whooped when I told the plan. (But she does not like it if Im doing something in her opinion dangerous.) It is sweet how she likes to look map and plan with me (maybe so that I would not do anything dangerous) and now she had checked the opening times for the swimming pool for me. "Please, go more often", she said one time when I  asked to go swimming a mid week evening. Well, I told her I would go again but now I could not enjoy it knowing the calf would be in need of this sour milk.
   Back to barn and sour milk for the calf who drank it willingly. As Bergur had not given day time milk for all the other calves yet either I put the amount needed in to buckets and warming. When Bergur was back again from the field I told him I had just seen cow 571 jumping on other cows so we could try if she was ready to meet bull and so we allowed the two together. I stayed for a while seeing what would the cow think about it as it is useful to know if she lets the bull jump or not. Bergur was nearby fighting with lump of hay stuck in slurry wagon pipe saying that if he would not get it out soon he would have to call the vets as that was like helping a cow to give birth. 
   The cow 571 seemed to keep turning her rear away from the bull and I was just about to leave and go back to calves when it happened. It happened so quickly that I still dont know exactly what happened.
I found myself from floor covered with the raw stuff itself - slurry muck and heard loud sound from the slurry still spraying around me and the heavy pipe banging in to feeding barrier irons and stampeded animals running.  Then it stopped and with one eye I could see frightened looking Bergur and tried to wipe the muck of the other eye.

B       - Are you hurt?
Me    - No.
B       - Are you sure?
Me    - Yes.
B       - Where did it hit you?
Me    - I dont know.

So he had got the hay block out without the vets, turned the handle and was still holding the handle. Pressure in the wagon is lots of pressure and it got   out now and the rest of the slurry load was high on the ceiling, on the bemused heifer  group and the pair who was supposed to be discussing important businesses, Jope the bull and cow the 571 that is and it was on walls and feeding table and me. What a mess in few seconds! Looking at it I started laughing. Anyway it was just slurry muck. Nothing was broken, no-one was hurt. Looking at me Bergur could not help laughing also. 
    Nothing to it but to start cleaning it as leaving it to dry was not an option. "Dont you need to get yourself changed first?", asked Bergur but I thought it didnt matter now that I already was covered. Bergur first lift me up in tractor scoop so I could reach to rinse the ceiling. Then he came up with better idea, very good idea actually, and put the water hose trough a long plastic tube so rinsing could be done from floor. Im likely to use that idea later when washing walls. So as the saying goes, nothing so bad that something good wouldnt come out of it. 
    "Never again", said  Bergur, "I should have known. This has happened before but not as badly. Never again."
    When the mess was cleaned and calves had got their milk I rinsed my overalls and scarf and my head too with water hose before going in. I told Fjóla that there had been interesting accident and that never mind missing swimming pool. Bathing there would have been wasted.
   When Bergur came in he was still asking where had the pipe hit me and if I was hurt anywhere but I still didnt know nor felt any pain. He got out smoked fish from the fridge and was pretending to read from the packaging, " It says here that this is very good for those hit by shit".

The sick calf is still not right but she likes the sour milk and her stomach seems to like it too. Also I saw her eating hay and pellets and having a sip of water and then sleeping peacefully. 

This evening Im thankful for many things but 2 of them are,
            - for not getting hurt by the shit hit
            - for the good poo in the sick calves box

Oh, and last night 366 had very cute heifer calf. She is like cuddly toy. And two other youngest calves are running around in calf barn as I have not come round to organize box for them. They are having fun and  being nuisance, so they are healthy.



Thursday 24 January 2013

Me                               - When should we take the rams apart from sheep?

The Farmer                 -  Yesterday. Thats what she says, my neighbor, and she
                                        controls the sheep here. And Essi controls the cows.

Me                               -  So, should we take the rams tomorrow then?

The Farmer                 -  Im away tomorrow.

Me                               -  Should I do it?

The Farmer                 -  If you like.

He is building more feeding table for sheep and Im helping by holding blanks as Im told while he fastens them with screws.  He already did first part of the table some weeks ago and before that he made little building connecting 'new building' and sheep shed so rúllas can be stored in 'new building' where from hay can be wheel barried for sheep and they can eat it nice and tidy from table. Im glad to see this as having proper table is big improvement to last winter when the flock was eating straight from rúllas and climbing on them and waisting lot of hay.

Next day I took the rams apart and made room with hay and water for the 3 of them to share.

Monday 31 December 2012

Ég er að reyna að læra Íslensku

The wind calmed so its no longer storm even still strong. I still slept but not all day today.
I opened door for the sheep to allow them out. Some popped to have a bit of snow and hurried back in. They are not given water as that would be hopeless mess with that in the shed and they come by with snow when the little stream does froze.  They have been shaved so they feel the wind I suppose. The rams were more thirsty as they still have they wool on. I didnt understand why they were not shaved too when the sheep were. Bergur said he didnt know how to explain it but that they need their wool until they are finished they job with the sheep.
I even went for little walk. I called Teddy from his sleeps to come along and he was glad and exited as always about going. It does good to have company that happy. We walked on the river ice in to the canyon to the first water fall. Ice forms on the rocky walls.

Then I have been learning Icelandic. Been here a bit over one year and learned only very few words. I have not been bothered to try to learn. I thought I didnt want to spent time and effort learning when getting well by in English and if I stayed just a winter or two I would not need Icelandic later.
I still dont know how long I will stay. In Muck Site or in Iceland. Never knows what is coming. But I like it here and I hope I can stay long and keep coming to Iceland at least. So, now I want to learn Icelandic. Its too far going to courses to Reykjavik so it is with internet and books and the Icelanders in the house. They are happy I finally got the enthusiasm for it.

The topic of this post means: I am trying to learn Icelandic.
And today I have been reading Öskubuska.  (  = Cinderella  )

Saturday 29 December 2012

Storming and sleeping

We got ready for it yesterday. Bergur drove rúllas in cow hall so there would be no need to open big doors for a while. I nailed sheep shed door shut and pieces of planks over any gaps on the walls. Also Bergur connected exhaust pipe to diesel generator, (he calls it "Generation"), so that could be used if electricity went.
Some places in Iceland people have been told to leave their homes and get somewhere safe because of danger of avalanches.
In the morning the blow was on. When it is like this one does not go out for fun. And when going gets dressed carefully making sure hat is on and hood is tied and zip is up to chin. Before opening door puts gloves on takes a deep breath and holds on to the door properly so it does not fly of with the wind. Best is to stay in as much as possible and sleep and thats what I did a lot but as it is there is animals to look after so pushed trough the wind to the sheep shed and cow hall first in early morning darkness and forked hay in head torch light when the electricity did go. I returned in to carry on sleeping and Fjóla and Bergur went to milk. Afternoon I went for second round giving milk to calves and hay to all and returned in to watch the storm storming over valley and to sleep again. 
In the evening coming 11pm the blow is still on. In my bed I have heard others going to milk and coming back. Im thinking of getting dressed in to the hat and hood and going for round check before night sleep.

Tuesday 25 December 2012


Had lazy day.
It has been lots of hard work and busy days the gone weeks but all Christmas faff I have totally left for others.
They, Fjóla, Bergur and Sunna, have been going to Reykjavik and shopping and cooking and cleaning and decorating.
And I have been invited to ready table and to watch films.
And I have slept.
And slept some more when seeing the gray weather.
We talked about our best Christmas memories and radio is playing familiar Christmas tunes. Just Icelandic words I still know not many. They gave me childrens "first words" book to start learning.
But early morning I had couple of hours feeding and cleaning for animals. I always like early hours in the mornings alone in cow barn and sheep shed when others are sleeping especially so when knowing I can get back to bed after for as long as I want.

Last year I was wondering if I should get myself somewhere for Christmas so they could have Christmas without a stranger in the house if Im not even working then.
No need to think that way now. They have got me to believe I can just be.
It does good sometimes just be.
It does good to feel good will.

Reminds about the first Christmas and Good Will the angles were singing about. To shepherds. I think about that when giving hay to the sheep. When I go back in I want to read that story. It was always red at home as kid by father mine.
  Lots of people likes to have Christmas without this story and Bergur likes to joke about it and other Jesus stuff. I have not learned any good answers for the jokes as there is lots in the story that is pretty unbelievable and mysterious that I can not prof or argue about. I can only believe while understanding someone laughing about it. That a baby was born to a virgin and the baby was son of God.
  Like wise I do make fun of it when Bergur talks about some fairy folks living in old stone foundation by sheep shed or some long dead relative reading his news paper in the corner chair in mid house room.
  Same with the question about how the world begun. Who can completely prof it. It takes some believing either way. Was it Big Bang or was it planned by God. Who then also had to come as a baby to a stable and die at cross to free people and the whole planet from Evil, because he has Good Will towards them.


Thursday 1 November 2012

Winter Began

Third day today snowing with bitter wind.

Got orders from Bergur: " Take Terrano and drive to see how have the calves survived the night."

So, I drove to the field looking for them. And got lost! On the open field just down from the house! The air was so thick with snow. I realized I was lost when trough the snow I figured river and horses. The horses belong to neighbor other side the river.

The calves had survived. Found them after. They were then taken to farm yard in to fence with sheep and were given a rúlla to eat.

21 calves. They made a circle and stood very close side by side to keep warm.

They will be taken in but not just yet as some fixing in the barn needs doing first.

Or if the weather gets much worse we can take them in but better if they can stay out for now, says Bergur.