"Farm Life Stories from Iceland" were written as emails for some friends. Now the story continues here. If you know me in real please dont let that show in your comments.

Tuesday 25 December 2012


Had lazy day.
It has been lots of hard work and busy days the gone weeks but all Christmas faff I have totally left for others.
They, Fjóla, Bergur and Sunna, have been going to Reykjavik and shopping and cooking and cleaning and decorating.
And I have been invited to ready table and to watch films.
And I have slept.
And slept some more when seeing the gray weather.
We talked about our best Christmas memories and radio is playing familiar Christmas tunes. Just Icelandic words I still know not many. They gave me childrens "first words" book to start learning.
But early morning I had couple of hours feeding and cleaning for animals. I always like early hours in the mornings alone in cow barn and sheep shed when others are sleeping especially so when knowing I can get back to bed after for as long as I want.

Last year I was wondering if I should get myself somewhere for Christmas so they could have Christmas without a stranger in the house if Im not even working then.
No need to think that way now. They have got me to believe I can just be.
It does good sometimes just be.
It does good to feel good will.

Reminds about the first Christmas and Good Will the angles were singing about. To shepherds. I think about that when giving hay to the sheep. When I go back in I want to read that story. It was always red at home as kid by father mine.
  Lots of people likes to have Christmas without this story and Bergur likes to joke about it and other Jesus stuff. I have not learned any good answers for the jokes as there is lots in the story that is pretty unbelievable and mysterious that I can not prof or argue about. I can only believe while understanding someone laughing about it. That a baby was born to a virgin and the baby was son of God.
  Like wise I do make fun of it when Bergur talks about some fairy folks living in old stone foundation by sheep shed or some long dead relative reading his news paper in the corner chair in mid house room.
  Same with the question about how the world begun. Who can completely prof it. It takes some believing either way. Was it Big Bang or was it planned by God. Who then also had to come as a baby to a stable and die at cross to free people and the whole planet from Evil, because he has Good Will towards them.


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